In which I like things

I have heard many times (I’m looking at you, sis) that I am too cynical and too opinionated and do I actually like anything enough not to make a sarcastic comment about it?

Well excuuuse me, I usually reply, but how is having opinions a bad thing? And cynicism is just being analytical, don’tchaknow? But yes, ACtually, I do love making sarcastic comments above most other things.

But today I’m feeling uncharacteristically cheery, so here is an illustrated list of some things I do like. Slash usually don’t snark at.

Running in the rain. Running in the sunshine. Running in the snow. Running fast, running slowly. Races. Training. Buying new running gear. Waiting for the new issue of Runner’s World. Race t-shirts. Medals.

The satisfaction of having remembered to buy a new bottle of shampoo/shower gel/toothpaste before the old one runs out.

Opening a new book. Closing the back cover when you’ve finished. Reading something that so clearly expresses that thing you’ve thought all along. The smug feeling I get from my tower of books.

Correctly guessing what an advert’s for.


Advice columns. Etiquette columns. Gossip websites.

When my mum sends me funny postcards.

Tennis players’ non-racket hand in photos.

BBC sports montages. Sue Barker.

People asking me things they assume I’ll know. Replying with the correct answer and an exasperated God, obviously. Or if I don’t know, getting to reply with an equally exasperated God, why do you ask me everything? Have you never heard of Google?

And cheese.

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